Really truly works This is a great product. I keep it in the bathroom for those times when someone had a really stinky poop and the ventilator doesn't clear the air quickly enough. This eliminates the odor in seconds. I buy it from Allegro Medical's website where it costs $3.60 per bottle and shipping for five at a time is only $6.99. I first used it when I was caregiver for my beloved in his last illness and it also eliminates all sickroom smells and any inbed accidental incontinence. Highly recommended.
Really works leaves no flowery after scent We received a bottle of this in the sponge bath kit at the hospital when my husband broke his legs. It works so well eliminates the worst odors and there was no sickening after scent just clean air. I used the 2 oz. bottle every day and it lasted about a month. I am ordering another bottle today it is great to have around the house.
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555
Gentell Ease Odor Eliminator GTL21000GTL21000_ea Really, truly works
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