Medi-aire Biological Odor Eliminator - 8oz Refiller Bottle -
Eliminate !! Don't Cover Up ! I was introduced to this product while visitng a friend in the hospital. Was amazaed at effeciency produced by just a little spay into the air.At home we are blessed to have multiple bathrooms. Durning vacations on land or by sea I would not want to travel without Mediaire. Why? Odors just happen. But Mediaire ELIMINATES odors quickly and efficently. The 8oz refiller bottle may look small but it is mighty. Just one tiny pump does awy with unwanted odors leaving a mild scent.

For use in homes, hospitals, nursing homes, and clinics.8 oz. Refiller Bottle, Fresh Air Scent.Eliminates unpleasant odors and rejuvenates. Medi-aire Biological Odor Eliminator 8 oz. Refiller Bottle Eliminates unpleasant odors and rejuvenates the air with a long-lasting, fresh air scent from Medi-aire. A spray or two of Medi-aire s concentrated formula terminates unpleasant odors present in hospitals, nursing homes, clinics and anywhere else that needs a quick touch up with a refreshing scent. Some air fresheners fool some of the noses some of the time, but most noses can tell the difference between disguising odors and eliminating them. That s why Medi-aire, the air freshener that doesn t just freshen or perfume, chemically combines with foul smelling odors to eliminate them. Mediaire rejuvenates the air. Even the worst biological odors associated with incontinence and ostomy appliances, dirty linen, bathrooms, and stale cigarette smoke disappear.
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