Bac-Out Stain and Odor Eliminator 32 Ounces Read more... 32 Ounces Liquid Serving Size:
Cleaned up an iodine spill no problem!! I just had to write a review for this product because of the experience I just had. I accidentally knocked a full bottle of iodine out of the medicine cabinet and the cap was loose so of course it shot iodine all over our white vanity my clothes the walls etc. To add insult to injury my glasses fell off and landed in the sink full of iodine. I grabbed a white dish towel and tried to mop up what I could but if you've had any experience with iodine you know that it just turns everything yellow. I was about to give up but then I remembered this product and figured I might as well try it I had nothing to lose. I sprayed it on everything that was stained including my clothes and glasses and let it sit for about 10 minutes. When I came back and rinsed it all down almost all of the yellow was gone! Only my shirt and the clear plastic frames of my glasses were still yellowish. I am now letting my shirt pretreat with this spray and will wash it with some of the
Works Great I am antichemical and this stuff is awesome. Smells good and works great. I use bum genius washable diapers and when I get a poopy diaper I rinse them with the diaper sprayer in the toilet and then I spray the stain on the liner and diaper with this stuff and when they are washed it usually gets rid of all the stain.
Works really well! We love this product! It was suggested on a cloth diapering website and while it didn't magically remove the really bad stains completely it lightened it up considerably and it some cases where the stains weren't very bad removed them. We just use three squirts with a prerinse cycle.
Amazing! Got out vomit odor Our daughter threw up in the bed and BacOut eliminated the odor within an hour. Stain and odor were gone within two hours. Getting vomit out of a mattress can be difficult Bacout made it a breeze.
GREAT PRODUCT I love the smell and it works great! It makes my whole laundry room smell good.
Effective Stain and Odor Remover I used this product for a pet stain on a sofa cushion specifically on the foam part of the cushion since I just put the cover in the wash and the discoloration came out immediately as well as the smell. Now it's good as new. Unexpectedly it also got some tough dirt out of a shower and significantly reduced a longstanding hard water ring in a toilet bowl. I will definitely use this product for all stains and tough cleaning jobs in the future.
Sold! Best odor remover for real! I have two cats my son's dog who's temporarily living with me and a brand new 10 week old puppy. I'm someone who so I've been told has a sense of smell similar to a dog because I can smell things that other people can't. I want my to be house clean and I want it to smell pleasant when you come inside. When I walk into a room I can immediately tell if someone has had an accident and if I have to will sniff the ground till I pinpoint the mess and then pull out the steam cleaner to clean the whole area.
Helps to Eliminate Stink Even With Sulphur Water I've been cloth diapering for 7 years and outside of hemp prefolds never had a problem with stink. However we recently moved into a house that has sulfur water at moderate levels. We also bought an HE washer. Then the stink set in and would not go. To add to the problem the diapers were causing my babies' skin to be red and rashy. I tried everything including a wet pail no vinegar rinse more water less soap more soap different soap even some bleach.Then I bought the Bac Out. It made a difference in the first batch of diapers. Now I use the Bac Out every time. I still do a wash with a touch of bleach after the Bac Out wash.
Great product bottle leaked BacOut it works as advertised. It's particularly useful for getting rid of BO odors that can accumulate over time on clothing I bike to work in my workclothes. We also use it on dish rags and cloth diapers with good results.However I took off a star because the bottles can leak in shipment. I ordered a 16oz and a 32oz bottle. The 16oz bottle leaked in shipment not much but enough that my wife used the leakage to treat a single load of laundry. The 32oz bottle didn't leak. I'm not sure if I just lucked out with the 32oz bottle or if it's more leakproof but the 32oz bottle is a better deal so I'll be ordering that one in the future.BacOut is a great product but I would like to see the manufacturer reevaluate the bottle. The existing bottle is probably fine for retail where the bottle is likely to stay right side up? but for mail order something with a tighter seal is necessary.
for diapers and delicates I LOVE this stuff. We put it on cloth diaper stains and use it to clean handwashables like sweaters and delicates. For cloth diapers we do a cold wash first and put in a few spritzes of bacout then a hot wash with Rockin' Green and finally a cold rinse. If we're soaking inserts of course we soak them in BacOut.
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